
About Solaris, IT and cycling.


A while ago i left X (the website formerly known as Twitter). I assume out of the same set of reason why most people i know left Twitter. I really loved it...


I’m just in the process to clean up the blog and updating some static pages. The cleanup was nescessary to be able to run the scripts to publish new blog ent...


Hier sitze ich wieder auf meinem Sofa und sinniere über das letzte Jahr. Das Fernsehprogramm ist noch schlechter als sonst. Hinzu kommt, dass am heutigen Tag...

The joy of solving performance problems - Part 1

It took me some more time to have this first part ready, because I revised it quite a lot and in the recent evenings i didn’t wanted to spend the nessesary t...

The joy of finding performance problems - A foreword

A journey Many interesting journeys start with a first step. There are lessons in them and no matter how much you have seen in the past, you always learn new...


„The Matrix“ ruined it a little but for all of us. Outsiders have sometimes the impression that admins can find errors on their servers just by staring at t...

Potential energy - or how to maximize your XP points in Zwift

Of course I prefer to cycle outdoors. However when it’s rather cold and dark when I usually start to cycle the motivation is significantly reduced. In such s...