The bad day is over ... hopefully

I saw several referers from translating engines for the last two entries. Just to make it short: I had an especially bad day today. From the beginning to the end. This day was not only used, and there was left ony a little bit luck in it. It was an empty day, 100% luck free. I´m sitting in the plane at the moment. And just to see a little microscopic bright spot in this day: I can add a new type of plane to my list. It’s a Dornier 328 in the JET variant. Same chassis as the turboprob, but two jet turbines adjactent to the wings. At least it´s a fast plane: 45 minutes instead of 55 minutes and it accelerated like a sports car on the tarmac. But that doesn’t count much, when the take off is just three hours late. It was scheduled for an 19:45 take off. But it was more like 22:45. Boarding. By the way: It was a damaged plane … it was the airport in Hamburg again. At least the first officer told us this subterfuge a few minutes ago. Dear Airport Hamburg, snow is a reality. Get over it and start to make decent plans for such situation. PS: The text was written in the aircraft, but i had to be at home to send it. It´s now almost 00:30 of the next day. I´m finally at home. Good night.