Happy birthday

Happy birthday, dear blogs.sun.com. We celebrating the 5th birthday of b.s.c today :) There are hopefully several additional years of blogging in front of it, independent from the second level...

Solaris Rootserver

Ich ärgere mich ja schon laenger darüber, das dieses Blog immer noch auf einem Linux-Server laeuft. Das hat auch seinen Grund: Obwohl ich mittlerweile einen Weg habe, um Solaris auf...

links for 2009-04-27

Release 2004 Maxima, a Computer Algebra System (tags: math software opensource)

Recommended Listening: Pain - Psalms of Extinction

Okay, this music is from Scandinavia and its good, too. Like the last album from Röyksopp (the last recommended listening). But the rest ist pretty much different. To be exact:...


Es ist eigentlich die Geschichte eines Totalversagens: Woran wir uns gewöhnt haben, ist ja das totale Versagen der Politiker, die grundgesetzlich verankerten Rechte zu schützen. Ich mag hier nicht von...

Presentation for the Linuxtage 2009 in Graz

I´ve made my talk at the Grazer Linuxtage yesterday. At first i have to thank the hosts of the Linuxtage. The invitation to this event gave me the opportunity to...

Strange thoughts

While looking out of the aircraft window yesterday evening i had some really strange thought: Is the idle thread of Google´s Android OS called “sheep” ?


In “Upcoming Solaris Features: Crossbow - Part 1: Virtualisation” i forgot to provide the site.xml file and got some questions about it. Well … now you can download it here....

Retrorocketing Solaris

Dan Price did some interesting optimisations to one of the undervalued, but nevertheless important processes of an operating systems. He was able to yield vast speedups in halting the system....


We are able to talk with people on the other side of the planet. We are even able to talk with persons on the moon. But a train in middle...

LAP Casting

Ist ja vielleicht garnicht so eine schlechte Idee. Zoee macht jetzt in ihrem Blog ein Lebensabschnittspartnercasting (Jaja … fuer immer und ewig … und in ein paar jahren wird das...

200th flight

Thanks to the internet service Flight Memory i have an exact overview about the number of flights i´ve done in the last years. This was easy for me, as my...

links for 2009-04-23

What's The Vision For A Combined Oracle - Sun? at Simon's Blog (tags: sun oracle Merger) Boeing and Dreamliner Troubles - Portfolio.com (tags: 787 dreamliner)

Some personal thoughts about Oracle, Sun and Suns hardware business

There are so many statements in the Internet, that Oracle will kill of Suns hardware business when the deal is finally closed. Well … that´s really interesting, because in the...

About ZFS and mysql

Allan Packer and Neelakanth Nadgir published their Mysqlconf presentation about ZFS and mysql optimisation. The interesting stuff for people already aware of the basic advantages and concepts of ZFS starts...

Mysql 5.4 with DTrace enabled by default

Besides the tuning for configurations with a higher amount of procs, there is another important “new” feature in Mysql 5.4: Dtrace providers are now enabled in mysql by default in...

links for 2009-04-22

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001193125-09-082651 Some documents regarding the planed Sun/Oracle Merger (tags: sun oracle Merger) Agreement between Sun, Oracle and Soda(?) AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER dated as of...

Kris über Mysql, Sun und Oracle

Mit “Sun, IBM, Cisco, Oracle” hat Kris eine herrlich unaufgeregte Meinung, warum Oracle kein Problem für Mysql an sich darstellen wird, geschrieben: MySQL deckt also eine Technologie- und Lizenzlücke im...

Mysql 5.4 performance at 64 threads

Todoy Sun announced a new version of Mysql. The version 5.4 was targeted to improve performance an scalability of mysql. For example the scalability on UltraSPARC T2 was improved. As...

Steve Ballmer about the Sun/Oracle Announcement

Acquiring Sun … $7.4bn , surprising Steve Ballmer … priceless - “Ballmer, IBM reportedly surprised by Oracle-Sun deal”: "I need to think about it," Ballmer told reporters in Moscow, according...