Public Viewing

Rudelgucken ist keine Leichenaufbahrung, auch wenn letztens die EM-Hoffnungen der deutschen Mannschaft recht schnell dem Begraben anheim fielen. Also könnte man mal aufhören, jedes gemeinsame Betrachten von fernübertragenen Bildern als...

SPARC T5 at Hotchips 24

Looks like there is an interesting presentation in the Hotchips 24 Agenda : “16-core SPARC T5 CMT Processor with glueless 1-hop scaling to 8-sockets”. The event is scheduled for August...


I would like to thank you all for the kind wishes to my birthday on Saturday. As i’m present on several social networks, i virtually got wishes to each of...

Oracle VM for SPARC 2.2 released

Oracle VM for SPARC 2.2 (the product formerly known as Logical Domains) was released today. There are a some important changes in this new release: Support for PCIe Single Root...


Sometimes it’s quite handy to have a good explanation, why distance equals time, and why this is important in computing. RDML Hopper finds a 30 cm cable quite useful in...



I really like to read our internal aliases. Because sometimes you are stumbling about a piece of information that reminds you that it could be a article for the blog....


IOPS, capacity, bandwidth - and something new to explain to the people in purchasing

When you size storage, you have to size for three things: IOPS, capacity and bandwidth. But that has an interesting implication. When we had 2,4 or 9 GB harddisks we...

Köhlbrand Bridge


Seemingly simple topics are never simple. Just collecting some stuff about the topic “Swap. How to size it”. Well … it isn’t simple … not at all. Especially when you...


Upcoming event - Oracle Solaris 11: What’s New Since the Launch

On April 25th an webbased event about Solaris 11 takes place: It’s named Oracle Solaris 11: What’s New Since the Launch. <table width=75%> Agenda 9:00 a.m. PDT Keynote: Oracle Solaris - Strategy...

Using the Support Repository for Solaris 11

“How to Update Oracle Solaris 11 Systems Using Support Repository Updates” is a great article written by Glynn Foster in order to explain the use of the Support Repository for...

Veranstaltungshinweis: 2. Oracle Breakfast

Am 26. April findet das zweite Oracle Oracle Breakfast in Hamburg in der Geschäftsstelle (Kühnehöfe 5) statt: Also Futtern mit technischem Content. Auch diesmal gibt es zwei Vorträge. <table width=50%>...

Solaris 11 LKSF

After having some discussions i now made my mind about it: In the next weeks you will see many republications of old articles in the blog as i will republish...

Deep insight into the behaviour of the SPARC T4 processor

Ruud van der Pas and Jared Smolens wrote an really interesting whitepaper about the SPARC T4 and its behaviour in regard with certain code: How the SPARC T4 Processor Optimizes...

Performance impact of Zones.

I was really astonished when i saw this question. Because this question was a old acquaintance from years ago, that i didn’t heard for a long time. However there was...


Another Unix on a very small device: “UNIX ON PIC32 – MEET RETROBSD FOR DUINOMITE”. The Duinomite is a small board based on a PIC32 microcontroller. Serge did amazing job...

Configuring an NTP client in Solaris 11

It is really easy to configure an NTP client on a plain standard Solaris 11 (that said it isn’t more difficult on Solaris 10 … it’s the same procedure). So...