John Dvorak is just a major annoyance

I don´t know, what Mr. Dvorak has done in the past to justifiy, that such underinformed and underthought articles like this are still published by someone. This is the same...

Interesting perspective at the Mysql AB deal

Stephano gives in “Why Sun bought MySQL” an interesting perspective to the deal : By associating the MySQL brand with their own, not only they will have access to their...

Erkenntnisse durchs Kranksein - revisited

Wenn ich meiner Waage glauben schenke, dann hat mich diese Erkältung 6 kg “gekostet”. Phoenix und Arte sind die einzig einigermassen durchgängig anschaubaren Fernsehprogramme. Auf N24 kommt immer nur das...


This was sooooo obvious. Steve jobs used a manila envelope to hide the MacBook Air. Some people in the States offer now something similar: A laptop sleeve made out of...

Mysql Backups with ZFS

Jason from Digitar describes in his blog how he is backing up his mysql databases with ZFS. He published his backup script was well.

links for 2008-01-18

ZSFA -- Rails Is A Ghetto (2007-12-31) (tags: rails ruby rant rubyonrails programming zedshaw blog)

SAN without a storage system

I had a strange idea some days ago. The new generation of our X- or T-class chassis have bays for 8 disk right now. There must be a good usage...

Oracle acquires BEA

There was another acquistion announcement a few days ago. Oracle acquires BEA Systems for 8.5 billion dollars.. Wow … a large amount of money. But this was obvious: It wasn´t...


Wow, three and a half year after starting this blog the article-number in my blog reached 4000. There are slightly less articles in the database as i have deleted some...

Aha ...

66 Wörter 382 Zeichen in der Minute … dafür das ich im Bett liege und damaliger Zeit aus dem Schreibmaschinenkurs wegen Systemchaotentums rausgeflogen bin … garnicht mal so schlecht …...

Only one favour ...

Jonathan, do us only one favour in conjunction with the Mysql AB acquisition: Don´t allow marketing to rebrand Mysql as Sun Java System Relational Database Management System - Web Edition....

TPM about the Mysql AB deal

TPM wrote a really positive comment about the acquisition of Mysql AB by Sun: This is arguably one of the smartest moves Sun has made in a decade, and probably...

NetUse NuBIT 2008

Okay, habe ich also zwei Vorträge gewonnen. Ich werde am 15.2 in Kiel auf der NuBIT zwei Vorträge halten. Die NuBIT ist die Hausmesse der NetUSE AG. Wer darüber mehr...

Preliminary results for Q2FY2008

From the “Sun Microsystems Reports Preliminary Results for Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2008”-Press Release: Sun expects to report revenues for the second quarter of fiscal 2008 of approximately $3.60 billion,...

Was macht eigentlich Marcel Schneider?

Vielleicht werden sich ja noch einige Leute erinnern, das Marcel Schneider letztes Jahr sich eine neue Herausforderung gesucht hat. Herr Schneider ist heute Geschäftsführer Enterprise & Partner Group, Microsoft Deutschland...

Sun acquires the M in LAMP

Today, Jonathan announced, that Sun will acquire Mysql AB. This is an incredible move: At first, this helps us against the ridiclious pricing model of Oracle in the advent of...

links for 2008-01-16

"BILD laesst Vorurteile wachsen" - BILDblog Sehr interessantes Interview ueber die die ausser Kontrolle geratene Berichterstattung der Bildzeitung (tags: Bild-Zeitung)

Roland Koch hat keine Angst

(via : Spiegelfechter)

Macbook Air

Wow … the Macbook Air is really a cool device. Excellent design, the multitouch trackpad is a killer and it´s thin, really thin (at least when i see it on...

links for 2008-01-15

Wissenswerkstatt | Britischer Wissenschaftshumor: Wie deutsche Journalisten der Satire des einradfahrenden Humorforschers auf den Leim gehen | Werkstattnotiz LVI (tags: fun Humor journalism Journalismus satire) Top 5 expectations of a...