
Well … i finally know why i like OBP and my old UltraSPARC 10 workstations. Network installs are vastly easier with them. The process of writing the JET tutorial was...

links for 2008-05-16

The 25 Year Old BSD Bug (tags: bsd geek history programming unix)


Sorry for writing nothing today, i’m preparing my new test system at the moment. As this system doesn’t even have a optical drive, it’s the basis for my next tutorial....

links for 2008-05-15

NachDenkSeiten - Die kritische Website » Was Sie beachten sollten, wenn Sie (als junger Akademiker/Student) einem Finanzdienstleister gegenübersitzen? (tags: anlage geld) Market Ticker: Tall Tale Tuesday (tags: economics government statistics...

Will Firefox go bad?

The large user community of Firefox results from a distrust in regard of the good intentions of Firefox and a the strong believe, that open source products are inherently good....

New write throttling in ZFS

Roch reports in The new ZFS write throttle about a new algorithm in ZFS for throttling writes appearing in upcoming versions of Opensolaris. Every five seconds ZFS commits changes to...


Less known Solaris features: About crashes and cores - Appendix A: Crash Dump Analysis revisited

I have forgotten to describe a really handy function when you analyse a crash dump. Solaris has an in-memory buffer for the console messages. In the case you write a...

New server from Sun: X4240

Sun announced some new systems today: At first the X4140 and X440 are available with quadcore AMD Opteron processors . Additionally we´ve announce a completely new system, the <a href=’’“>X4240</a>:...

links for 2008-05-13

Moonwatcher: Why Doesn't Apple Face The Innovator's Dilemma? (tags: apple article blog business technology)

Ars.Technica about Opensolaris 2008.05

Ars.technica tested Opensolaris 2008.05 in “First look: OpenSolaris 2008.05 a work in progress”: Although the OpenSolaris development community still has a lot of work to do before the operating system...

At last a decent OS for the Eee PC ;)

Rolf Kersten managed to install Opensolaris 2008.05 on one of this small EeePC devices. You need some workarounds, but overall the installation is fairly easy with the help of Rolfs...

First livesign of iSER in Opensolaris

The development team for iSER (iSCSI over RDMA over Infiniband) announced, that their prototype is up and running : [iser-dev] iSER prototype implementation is working!!!

Zones in Opensolaris 2008.05

Containers in Opensolaris 2008.05 work a little bit different like the ones in the other versions of Solaris. They are an own brand at the moment. Dan Price reports in...


Was passiert, wenn ein Zug ausfaellt (okay, unbestimmt verspätet, das ist das gleiche wie ein Ausfall, war wohl trotz Feiertag wieder Suicide Monday) und sich dann die Passagiere, die eigentlich...

links for 2008-05-12

Sun exec ponders OpenSolaris, Linux | InfoWorld | News | 2008-05-09 | By Paul Krill (tags: debian interview linux opensolaris opensource)


This is the kind of program i would expect from the public broadcasting system in Germany, not this ever-increasing insult consisting out of game show derviates, daily soaps and half-assed...

Magnetic dust

A hard disk goes down in flames through the atmosphere and specialists were still able to recover 90 percent of the data: Data recovered from Seagate drive in Columbia shuttle...

Load Average

It´s a common practice between us admins to look after the load averages. Interestingly the correct math behind this numbers is not really simple. Roman wrote about it at How...
